Saturday, October 5, 2013
Day 1: Grateful for Best Days - LIFT OFF!
Day 1: I am grateful that I know my latter shall be greater. Today begins the best of the rest of my life. Mary Kay Ash once said, "Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try." Well, that will never be me because my music will continue to play until the last breath leaves my body in my old, old age. I have tapped into a place in God that is priceless and I fully understand that surrendering my will to His is vital. The purpose of my life is not to save the world, but to make a difference in the lives of others. I will continue to do that.
Day 2: Grateful for God's Character
Day 2: I am grateful that because God did it before, He will do it again. As a matter of fact, it is already done. I have been meditating about trust in God (Proverbs 3:5-6) and then having faith in God (Mark 11:22). Trusting in God allows you to have faith (believe) who He is and what He says. With that being said, my trust and faith level in God has increased tremendously just within the last month alone. God is SO faithful and I refuse to give up on Him. I am so focused and understand that my life is not my own. What I am believing God for is stretching me outside of my comfort zone. I am resting in God and He said, “I Got You!”
If God be for me, then who can be against me? I Believe God!
My prayer is that each of you increase your trust and faith in God like never before and allow Him to show Himself strong in your life.
Keep The Faith,
Day 3: Grateful for Being Forgiven
Day 3: I am grateful to know that I’m not perfect, but I’m so forgiven. That is all!
My prayer is that each of you knows that although you are not perfect, you are forgiven. And there is nothing that anyone can do to change that.
Praise God, Latasha
Day 4: Grateful for the Power of NO
Day 4: I am grateful to have learned that “No” is a complete sentence. In my former years, I did not completely understand this principle because I tried to justify and/or explain on different occasions why I said, “No” to people, places or things. Today, that has all changed. Life lessons are priceless!
My prayer is that each of you is confident that when you say “No” then no explanation is needed.
Day 5: Grateful for Walking in Purpose
Day 5: I am grateful for walking in purpose. There is something about understanding vision and knowing your lane. I LOVE what I do! I love making a difference in the lives of others by being who God has called me to be. He asked that I be willing, not perfect. You know, I have many titles; however, being a servant by far allows me to truly stand above the crowd.
My prayer is that each of you walk in purpose every day of your lives. Know that the rewards are greater and have lasting results.
Keep The Faith,
Day 6: Grateful to be Able to Celebrate Others
Day 6: I am grateful to be able to celebrate others. Actually, I look for ways to do it because I know that when you celebrate others, you celebrate yourself. What they have received or accomplished is not exclusive; success can happen in your life as well. When others do well, you can choose to be inspired or be intimidated. My suggestion would be to take the inspired route. There is so much to gain on that side of the coin so to speak. Recently, I ministered to a longtime friend and encouraged her to step out and pursue her dreams. Not only that, God allowed me to give her resources and connections to do so. That is what choosing to be inspired is all about. Someone else’s success does not in any way take away from your own.
My prayer is that each of you celebrates others and never be afraid to share the spotlight. Be someone else’s inspiration!
Keep The Faith,
Day 7: Grateful for 5 Senses
Day 7: I am grateful for my 5 senses. There have been times when I have taken each of them for granted. I mean not even giving any of them a second thought as though they were simply supposed to function properly no matter how I treated them. Through the years, I began to recognize that they are gifts to be cherished. What can I say…I am blessed to have them all functioning in the perfection to which God created them to function and I forbid any malfunction. Father God, I just simply want to say, “Thank you!”
My prayer is that each of you appreciates your 5 senses and views them as gifts from God.
Peace and Blessings,
Day 8: Grateful for Beautiful Minds
Day 8: I am so grateful for being able to connect with beautiful young minds. Of course, I have two beautiful minds at home and they have given me much practice because I actually listen to what they have to say. So, I learn and grow from them all the time. They are truly blessings on so many levels and they keep me grounded. In addition, there is nothing like connecting with other young people and young adults who are not at home with you. For instance, when you are able to connect with those who just graduated from college within the last year or two, and they can give you some experience, passion and intellect. Priceless! That is an educational component there that simply does not always come from the classroom setting due to various factors. It is when you allow them to express themselves and you become a student in the encounter that our country grows in a positive way. And, growing and learning is vital to our success in this world, especially this country.
Special love shout to Amber Parker. She is a beautiful mind and I am blessed to know her.
My prayer is that each of you are open to learn and grow from our young people because more often than not, you can learn quite a bit. Just listen and they will teach.
Keep The Faith, Latasha
Day 9: Grateful for Game Changers
Day 9: I am grateful for being a game changer. God is so faithful! One of my sisterfriends introduced this song, "Just Do You" to me and I am so glad that she did. The lyrics are so POWERFUL!! Love india.arie for this one so very much! Much Love, Lady!
I encourage each of you to listen to it NOW. "...If you create the game, then you create the rules. And if you just be you, there's no way you can lose. NO FEAR!!!
This is NOW my theme music as I move through this transition and allow God to show up and show out. I WILL NOT LOSE!!!
My prayer is that each of you realize that you can be a game changer. NO FEAR!!! ~ Enjoy!
Moving & Shaking,
Day 10: Grateful for the Gift of Breathing
Day 10: I am grateful for the gift of breathing. It is something that we can take for granted because it seems automatic. I did not realize it until recently when I was I took the time to breathe in and breathe out as an exercise to introduce freedom. In that moment, I could actually hear when I inhaled and when I exhaled. That is so amazing to me! I have meditated before and I have my quiet time, but I was stretched to another level when a sisterfriend explained how breathing properly is a key element in complete health. Now, that is worth breathing about…don’t you agree?
My prayer is that each of you decide that you will breathe again and again, but this time do it on purpose. Take the time to recognize what you are taking in and releasing.
Enjoying life,
Day 11: Grateful to Understand Destiny
Day 11: I am so grateful to know that I am in control of my destiny. Now, don't get religious on me. I know that God created the universe and He is the source of every blessing. However, I have learned that He only allows what we allow to happen in our lives. He gave the power to choose. We have a soul which includes the will, mind and emotions. Yes, we receive grace and mercy in our lives, but in many ways, it is in spite of us. I am still convinced that the reason that I along with many members of my family have received blessings is because of the prayers and faithfulness to God of my grandmother, Flora Pearl Humphrey. She showed herself faithful to the things of God; she influenced me greatly. My point is sometimes we are blessed for the sake of others. Nonetheless, we have the ability to choose what we allow into our world. The Word says that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. So, what are we allowing? We know God desires great things for us, but are we agreeing with Him in what we say, do or think. It takes discipline to say, do and think the right things, but we can do it if we choose to do so. I am certain that God wants us to desire His Best for our lives and once we do, then the story that we write will be phenomenal.
My prayer is that each of you decide to be in control of your destiny and know that with God on your side, NOTHING can stop you.
Empowered to prosper,
Day 12: Grateful for Learning Faith in God
Day 12: I am grateful for finally understanding that loving God simply isn’t enough because that does not move Him in our situations. The Word clearly states that without FAITH it’s impossible to please God. You know, from the age of twelve, I remember walking to the front of the church and receiving Jesus as Lord of my life. Now, I do not remember all of the logistics, but I do remember being in church, and participating as a child and young adult as many of us have done I am sure. I remember learning Psalm 23 as a child because that is what I was asked to do. I did not quite understand or get a revelation until recently as an adult. God’s grace is so sufficient! He provides and protects us in spite of what we do, say or think. You know it was not until recent that I truly realized that I have never been in complete faith in God. I mean, I have stood for others and believed with them, but in my life, I have yet to see a portion of what God has promised me. I mean, I literally asked other people, “What are you believing for?” They would tell me and I am would pray for, encourage and motivate them and I would literally see the results manifest in many ways quickly. I mean from houses, health, cars, husbands, wives, jobs, you name it. I mean, I would genuinely celebrate and cry with them like it was mine. However, I would not see what God told me even begin to manifest for a long time.
Oh but God, the strongholds had to be torn down and now I see clearly. Before it seemed that I operated with a film over my spiritual eyes and could not clearly see what had been waiting for me all along. I am in a place to understand how to receive and operate in REAL FAITH that gets God’s attention. You know that Joseph, Moses, Sarah, Rahab, Gideon, Abraham kind of faith. I understand more than anything that preparation is vital to walking in the things of God. We are called to impact the world starting with our world. We must operate with excellence in the small things first, then we can handle the great. I know many have heard me talk about the things of God, but they have not seen the manifestations in my life yet. I know how you feel because I wondered for a while myself if I would ever see the promises. But guess what, God told me, “The wait is over…Watch me!”
Praise God!
My prayer is that each of you receive a complete revelation that loving God is not enough. HAVE FAITH IN GOD!!
Peace and Blessings,
Day 13: Grateful for Being a Servant
Day 13: I am grateful for the ability to support my sisterfriends and know my role in the process. I had the beautiful opportunity to support one of my sisterfriends in an event that she created called, “Freedom Fellowship,” an event for women of all ages to come and release the things of the past in order to live their best life NOW. Quite naturally, when she first talked about it, there was no doubt that I would be there to support her. And, when registration opened, I was probably one of the first ones to register and thought nothing else of it. Then, she sent a notification of the speakers and facilitators press release and my name was on the list. When I first saw it, my response in my head was alright and I replied, “Awesome!” Yes, I like to talk, but there was a thought in my mind that she was about to stretch me from my comfort zone; so, I just began to prepare for what was next. I simply asked The Holy Spirit to have His way, lead and guide me. I am in a season of transition so it was nothing too surprising.
She gave instructions to each of us who were on the list and gave us her heart in a meeting that we had. She explained what this particular event was all about and how it was her baby. Basically, we needed to handle it with care. That rang familiar to me because that is exactly how I feel when it comes my assignment and purpose. I am very careful about whom I allow to connect to it. My sister’s passion for unity among women and the things of God is what has always captured my attention when we are in one another’s presence. Great minds think alike!
Each of us involved in the Freedom Fellowship had clear instructions on what needed to take place and knew the role that we played. It was not about competition or seeing who was the best; it was about sharing the heart of one of our sisters who desires to impact the lives of women all over the world. In a nutshell, our prayers were answered and God manifested Himself in a powerful way. Our lives and the other women who attended will never be the same.
When you serve the people, you can save the people.
My prayer is that each of you experience what I do on a consistent basis with my sisterfriends. Show love and support to others and you will receive much more than you could ever imagine.
Peace and Blessings,
Day 14: Grateful for Value in Transition
Day 14: I am grateful to know that my value is not defined by my possessions or what others think of me. But, I did not always know this because I fell into the trap of what our culture defines as valuable. And, it can be easy to get caught up even now, but when you take inventory on what is most important, your thinking changes. I simply had to change my mindset and choose to do and be different. I no longer wait for the approval of others to determine if and/or when I should launch out into the deep. Of course, timing is everything; however, my focus is on what God says and His strategic timing more than anything else in this world. One time, when I was debating a choice, my daughter said, "Don't let anyone cause you to change what you are going to do when you already decided what you were going to do." That was simply amazing, but it lets me know that my blessings are watching everything that I do and taking good notes by the way. That is called good pressure. I Will NOT Lose! That is a promise.
I am in transition at the moment from one opportunity to the next; so, the question that I encounter from others, "What are you going to do next?" My confident response is, "I am trusting God that He has already provided for me." Now, I am wise enough to do my part/due diligence, but I am certain that the Word will make you walk on water. I am daily meditating on Proverbs 3:5-6 (much love to you for being obedient and sharing, Yakinea) that trusting God in ALL things in life is the ONLY way to go. There is NO plan B! Period! The testimony will come soon. Believe that!
I saw the Rocky 6 movie a while back and this one scene with him and his son was priceless; so, I wanted to share.
"...Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that!..." #rocky6
May each of you only look to God for your value and worth. No one else is qualified to define you.
Much Love,
Day 15: Grateful for God's Provision
Day 15: I am grateful for God's provision. So, I attended a Money Talks 101 session yesterday. You know, you can NEVER have too much information. It is always cool to get a refresher and learn something new about how to put into practice the information learned on a consistent basis with positive results. In the session, I so received much more than I expected. One thing that stood out was when the instructor shared a story about a friend and the topic of worry. He explained to us that his friend said (paraphrasing a bit), "I will start focusing on provision and how I have already been provided for instead of worrying." This was powerful on so many levels and can apply to any area.
Of course, I thought about how God has already provided for whatever He has purposed us to do in this life. Therefore, we just need to trust, believe, agree, and allow Him to manifest His provision, protection, and promises in our lives. I just love the power of thought, having faith in God, and how when we are open to receive God's Best. It shows up EVERY time!
My prayer is that each of you know that God has already provided for you and all that concerns you; so, move out of the way and let Him show you what He is working with. And there it is!
Keep The Faith,
Day 16: Grateful to Know Human Love
Day 16: I am grateful for human love, particularly in regards to past romantic encounters. Those gentlemen have taught me wonderful lessons through our interactions. I have learned so much and I choose to salute them for the roles that they have played. There is so much peace and love in my heart for them today. I have already forgiven them and asked for forgiveness in some instances; however, today I publicly release and pray God's blessings for each of them. They have helped to create the woman that I am today. And more importantly, those past encounters played a major part in preparing me for God sent. Now, that is worth smiling about...Priceless!
My prayer is that each of you find peace and joy in past romantic encounters and know that there is sunshine at the end of the rainbow. Expect it!
Much Love,
Day 17: Grateful for Life Lessons
Day 17: I am grateful to have learned that a closed mouth does not get fed. Now it was not an automatic lesson learned, but it can be learned if a person is willing. Of course, I am a child of God; so, quite naturally I should know that He has already provided for me. However, He does operate with people in the earth so I have to speak things into existence and trust God that I will receive His Best. A faith lifestyle is required to receive His Best.
I have to come to understand that we are speaking spirits and we can have what I say.
My prayer is that each of you will understand that you can have what you say in line with God's will. Release your words of power into the universe, the atmosphere and watch them work.
Keep The Faith,
Day 18: Grateful for Learning & Growing
Day 18: I am grateful for learning how to pick and choose my battles. It is called maturity. There is something really nice about not having to address foolishness no matter the source. When purpose sets in, then your destination becomes even more clear. In many ways, silence is most powerful and that is when the phrase, "I can show you better than I can tell you" is most effective.
My prayer is that each of you know when to respond with words and when to simply allow your progressive movement to speak for you.
Keep The Faith,
Day 19: Grateful for My Natural Parents
Day 19: I am grateful for my natural parents. Every good and perfect gift comes from above and God gives life! So, how amazing is it that God used both of them to bring a beautiful gift (me) into this world.
Today, I am reaping the harvest from God giving my father and me an opportunity to mend our relationship in 2006 before he passed away a year later. That was one of the most amazing days in my life. Since that day, my life has never been the same. There is power in obeying God. The power of forgiveness is sweet!
My mother and I have grown closer throughout the years and I am truly blessed. She taught me quite a few things, for instance, how to be proud of who I am, and how to act like a lady and respect myself. In recent years, we have actually become great friends and she is one of my biggest cheerleaders in my endeavors and vice versa.
Overall, I thank God for both of my natural parents because even in their imperfections, God allowed them to create greatness.
My prayer is that each of you are able to respect and love your natural parents for being used as vessels to bring you life. Regardless of whether you agree with everything that they have done, you can choose to forgive and release them from the past. Take responsibility for your destiny and keep moving forward to great things.
Peace & Blessings,
Day 20: Grateful for Moments that take Your Breath Away
Day 20: I am grateful for THIS MOMENT for so many reasons. Words really cannot express how I feel right now. God is faithful!
My prayer is that each of you begin to appreciate those moments that take your breath away. They are simply priceless!
Peace & Blessings,
Day 21: Grateful for Being a Thinker
Day 21: I am grateful for being able to think for myself. I do not have to follow the crowd. In so many words, I have felt alone at different times in my life because of unpopular choices. Of course, God showed me that I was never alone and that He was with me and always will be. Honestly, knowing that very truth, has kept me throughout my journey so far. I desire to follow God in everything that I do because I know that He will never lead me wrong. Plus, I desire to impact the world; I am not here just taking up space. So, if that means that I travel the road less traveled, then so be it. There is a greater reward in doing what is right.
My prayer is that each of you choose to let your light shine bright by traveling in your lane even when it's not popular. There is a deep satisfaction in knowing your steps are ordered by the Lord.
Peace & Blessings,
Day 22: Grateful for Learning My Value
Day 22: I am most grateful to have learned my personal stock, worth and value. This was one of my favorite master classes that My Papa God has taught me. One day, I asked Him to teach me how to love me the way that He does and He was delighted to do so. Then, He began the course and my life has never been the same. Beautiful people, once you learn your value, walking away from foolishness or unproductive people, and/or situations and relationships is sweatless. Now, I did not say that you would not feel hurt or that your ego would not be are human! However, I have been taught that hurt is a choice and feelings can change like the weather. You know what I mean? Knowing who I am and whose I am has been very powerful. And, the more I learn to trust Papa God with all of me and surrender to Him daily, this journey becomes even more amazing.
My prayer is that each of you learn the value of who you are in God. Not ever allowing anyone else to define you or tell you how much you are worth. You are phenomenal!
Peace & Blessings,
Day 23: Grateful for Learning the Power of Truth
Day 23: I am grateful for learning that I really don't have to defend truth when it comes to naysayers, accusers, haters, and all the likes. When your heart is right and you follow God. He will vindicate and validate you EVERY time and I mean EVERY time. Consequently, in this instance, when people try to dig a ditch for you, they should really dig one for themselves. Just look at what happened in the Bible when Daniel was accused and thrown in the lion's den. God protected him and he was released, but those who accused him were thrown in the lion's den along with ALL who were connected to them. The moral of this story is twofold: One, when you do what's right as unto the Lord, He WILL take care of you and the naysayers will be put to shame. Two, watch who you are directly connected to because you never know what danger they may have you in when it all hits the fan.
My prayer is that each of you do your part and let God defend the rest. And, don't take revenge on the individuals who try to trap you. Trust me, they are preparing themselves and those connected to them for a lion's den experience.
Keep The Faith,
Day 24: Grateful for Being Able to Celebrate Other Women
Day 24: I am grateful for being able to celebrate other women. God is so awesome. There is freedom in not trying to compete with your fellow sisterfriends. When you are able to celebrate them instead and know that them being great does not take anything away from you one bit. I just love it when my girls shine bright like diamonds because when they rise, I rise and vice versa. When you don't get the opportunity to talk to sisterfriends as often because of how your lives become more purpose driven with family, mission, and vision, it is amazing how they are praying for you and are able to encourage you with powerful words like they just talked to you the day before. Well, this month at The Flora Pearl Foundation will prove to be a treat for those who do not mind giving props where they are due. We are calling it "Phenomenal Faces of Greatness" to kick off our Month's theme "This Girl Is On Fire!" I am so excited to feature some of the most fabulous women within our communities. Starting us off is Millicent Payne-Lindsay, she is AMAZING!! Go to The Flora Pearl Foundation Facebook Page for more details.
My prayer is that each of you always celebrate others instead of trying to compete with them. Always find ways to show love.
Much Love, Latasha
Day 25: Grateful for Our Young People
Day 25: I am grateful for our young people. They really have a lot to say and we must hear them clearly. I experienced a 16 year old young man deliver the offering nugget at church on a world platform (we stream our church services live on the world wide web). He did an excellent job and left us speechless! Later in the services, our pastor validated the call on his life and told him that he will never fit in the crowd; however, there is a call on his life that he should embrace it and be encouraged. Our pastor spoke words that left most of us in tears. One, this was an elder speaking into the life of a young person about his gifts and how to own them. Two, those like me, only dreamed that we received those words of wisdom at an early age so that we could recognize and operate in those gifts. As an adult woman, I completely understand why there were times when I felt like an outsider and just did not fit in certain cliques, whether professional or personal. I finally get it! WOW! I stand with many others who refuse to lose this next generation to the enemy.
My prayer is that each of you speak like to our young people. Not all are lost. Take the time to recognize and nurture their gifts. We should empower them with information to use their gifts without us feeling any intimidation or having our own personal agenda.
Today, say to a young person, "I now pronounce you...Unstoppable!"
Keep The Faith,
Day 26: Grateful for Freedom
Day 26: I am grateful to witness women who are free. My mom treated me to an MJB concert this evening and it was a beautiful experience. One of my favorite songs is "My Life" and when the music started for that particular song, I felt it so much because the lyrics spoke to my soul. My spirit was blessed. Mary J was so free on that stage tonight and it inspired me to continue to live my journey free from drama. No more drama! Free from judgment, pain, hurt, and all the same. Anyone can say what they choose and feel what they want about me, but know that the call that's on my life, no man can stop what God has already done on my behalf. I am grateful for this moment! Praise God!
My prayer is that each of you choose to be free from other people's opinions of you. Only God can judge you. Period! Live your best life NOW!
Peace & Blessings,
Day 27: Grateful for My Paternal Grandmother
Day 27: I am grateful for my paternal grandmother, Flora Pearl Humphrey. She is the inspiration behind my nonprofit organization, The Flora Pearl Foundation. Her life is an outstanding example of empowering others. For example, one of my aunts explained to me how my grandmother used to make homemade chicken soup and feed the elderly who were home sick. And, one of my personal experiences was actually at my grandmother's funeral where I witnessed all types of people present who voiced how she touched their lives in a powerful way. Ultimately, all of those who came in contact with her were inspired to educate themselves more about faith, family, and community. Today, her legacy lives on through me and has inspired The Flora Pearl Foundation named in her honor. This is my tribute to her because of the impact that she had on my life and I am most grateful to God for the grace to continue moving forward with this vision.
My prayer is that each of you continue to be empowered and inspired by those who take the time to sow into your life, whether by words or deeds. I am sure if you are sincerely looking, then you won't have to look very far.
My prayer is that each of you continue to be empowered and inspired by those who take the time to sow into your life, whether by words or deeds. I am sure if you are sincerely looking, then you won't have to look very far.
Keep The Faith,
Day 28: Grateful for LIFE
Day 28: I am grateful today for LIFE. As I have looked back throughout my journey thus far, I have grown so much that mere words really can't describe what I know to be true. God's grace and mercy is so sufficient. I am most grateful for His ability to use what others may see as worthless to produce greatness and great things. Tears come to my eyes because I once felt like I did not have much to give nor could God use me for His glory. I smiled on the outside and had that mask that many of us know how to put on. God using me seemed so far off because I have messed up in the past and through my own eyes there was no way out. I am not perfect and never that I have ever really thought that I was, but I wanted things to be done in a certain way. My life could be a movie and maybe one day it can be told. Needless to say, I was disappointed with certain decisions and choices and things that I allowed...OH BUT GOD! He spoke to me many years ago and began to show me things that were priceless. The Greater One within me was the teacher and I was an eager student who wanted to please her Heavenly Father with her life. I learned the power to forgive even when I know good dog gone well that some did not mean me any good. I chose to give them forgiveness which is commanded, but on the other end God gave me peace which is a wonderful exchange. I chose to live when the enemy wanted to devour me by telling me that I did not have anything worthy to offer my children. Today, I STAND with a powerful understanding of what surrendering all to God The Father means and no longer choose to believe the lies of the enemy. My LIFE is good, noteworthy, flaws and all. However, a life surrendered to HIM is one that has the luxury of rest.
My prayer is that each of you be in love with your life and enjoy every minute of it. No Matter What! Trust in God to be your SOURCE. He is able and willing.
Much Love, Latasha
Day 29: Grateful for God's Comfort and Peace
Day 29: I am grateful for God's comfort and peace in the midst of storms. I heard the news about the Voting Rights Act along with most people yesterday. However, I had a chance to digest the information and read up on it for more clarity. In my opinion, it is a sad time in America as if there have not been others, but this one deals with the rights and freedoms associated with the Dream that we often reference. By this being the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights, it seems like a slap in the face considering all that Dr. King and so many fought and died for. You know, it makes me wonder have the rest of us been so blinded by bling, success, selfishness, our own issues and foolishness that we have missed what will play a very vital role in the future of this country. Well, I know that all things are possible to those who believe so I will rest in the peace and comfort of God for now as it relates to this matter. Planning and strategizing right now, but I am one person; however, I will not just sit by and allow the next generation to ask us the question, "Why did you all not protect us when you had the chance?"
My prayer is that each of you rest God's peace and comfort in this time. Then, once you have done all you can as it relates to fighting for the basic rights that we so deserve. We must protect our young people. When we learn better, then we should do better. Let's Move!
Keep The Faith,
Day 30: Grateful for Teachable Moments
Day 30: I am grateful for teachable moments. My daughter went on a field trip to the zoo with her summer camp. Well, we had a discussion before she went and I voiced how I am not a big fan of the zoo because of how the animals are put on display. She is very inquisitive; so of course, she asked me more questions about why I felt that way. Now, I will not say that I have never been, but since that last visit a while back I had a change of heart. I went on to explain to her my thoughts about how I just don't necessarily believe in putting animals on displayed outside of their original habitat, locked in a cage, and making money off of them just so we can have entertainment. It reminded me of some ills of the past and how being held bondage for someone else's benefit just doesn't quite fit. I know that was a deep thought, but at least, I was able to express my thoughts and use a teachable moment to impart information to a young mind. I use teachable moment to challenge people young and young at heart to simply think through and form their own thoughts. Needless to say, my daughter appreciated my point of view so much so that she shared it with her teacher and another classmate whose mother had the same perspective...
My prayer is that each of you use teachable moments to share your thoughts and information to help others be able to do the same. Your mind is truly a terrible thing to waste.
Keep The Faith,
Day 31: Grateful for Encouraging Words
Day 31: I am grateful for encouraging words. The phrase you never know who is watching you and that you never know who you will come in contact with on your journey is very real. When encouraging words come from people who you least expect, it can be a big surprise. When they say that your faith walk has encouraged and inspired them, it is a beautiful thing and can motivate you to continue to allow God to use you. Sometimes, you will be the only person of faith that some individuals see; be sure to represent well.
My prayer is that each of you recognize that although you are one person, there is so much more inside of you. Choose to be source of encouragement. You will not regret it!
Keep The Faith,
Day 32: Grateful for Sisterhood
Day 32: I am grateful for sisterhood. There is something about when two or more women form an alliance and look after one another. The definition of sisterhood defined by Webster's is the solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experiences, or concerns; a community or society of sisters. This is what I have encountered for a while through women of like-minds and those divine connections that God has allowed and ordained. My sisterfriends and I support one another and uplift each other. We genuinely look after one another...I am blessed that God has given me a spiritual family of sisters where we love and support each others' vision, dreams, and goals. That's priceless!
My prayer is that each of you experience the God kind of love in human form from those that God has purposely connected you to on this journey.
Keep The Faith,
Day 33: Grateful for Right Now Moments
Day 33: I am so grateful for this moment and the space that I am in RIGHT NOW. It is such a powerful time as I move forward in what and who God has called me to do and be. I appreciate all that I am RIGHT NOW...Today has been a time of many blessings...God is faithful!
My prayer is that each of you embrace who you are and enjoy this RIGHT NOW moment. Let it take your breath away!
Much Love,
Day 33: I am so grateful for this moment and the space that I am in RIGHT NOW. It is such a powerful time as I move forward in what and who God has called me to do and be. I appreciate all that I am RIGHT NOW...Today has been a time of many blessings...God is faithful!
My prayer is that each of you embrace who you are and enjoy this RIGHT NOW moment. Let it take your breath away!
Much Love,
Day 34: Grateful for The Word of God
Day 34: I am grateful for The Word of God. What a blessing! It is so powerful and such a comfort to those of us who believe. God is faithful to His Word and that is a blessing. I most recently heard my spiritual father teach about Faith 101 Part 3. And one of my favorite passages in Daniel 3 about the circumstance that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced dealing with Nebuchadnezzar and the fiercy furnace. I have loved this passage for over twenty years now. It is such comfort, but I realize that it is one thing to see faith in action for someone else, but there is nothing like using your faith in order for God to show Himself strong in your life...among my friends, I have a joke where I say, "Don't let Rahab the harlot out faith you?" It is a joke and we laugh, but it is so real at the same time. Rahab was a prostitute and believed in God's power, by the way, she made it to the Hall of Faith Chapter in Hebrews 11. Yeah, it's true...check it out.
My prayer is that each of you utilize your time wisely and spend much time in The Word without being consumed with distractions. So that when the storms of life come, you can withstand with your faith.
Keep The Faith,
Day 35: Grateful for Beautiful & Honest Relationships
Day 35: I am so very grateful for people in my life who are able to talk to me very openly and willing to go there with me if they need to. It was so funny because just today, I was talking to a friend about one thing and he took the conversation to a whole other level. It was liberating and packed with wisdom. WOW! I can truly say that he broke the information down to me in a way that my life will never be the same. It is really a blessing to have those encounters when you are left speechless, but empowered to be even more of what God created you to be....divine appointments. I am grateful for my journey of discovery, living, learning, and growing…I wouldn’t trade it for anything else!
My prayer is that each of you experience those beautiful humans who genuinely love you and are willing to share without needing an exchange of any sort. That is most certainly my prayer for you. It is in one word, “Sweet!”
Keep The Faith,
Day 36: Grateful for Wisdom
Day 36: I am so grateful for the ability to know how to eat the fish and spit out the bones. There are so many things going on around me all the time. Over the years, I have learned to navigate my way through and know how to LISTEN to someone and HEAR what they are saying. I may not necessarily agree with everything, but I still learn something from the encounter. In several cases, I simply learned that I disagreed or did not want any part of what was going on, et cetera. There is so much knowledge and wisdom to be absorbed in our brains. I am aware that everything is not for me or meant for me, but I never want to be so super spiritual that I miss the practical things that I need to learn...I am nobody's fool! Praise God for being able to pay attention and have common sense...
My prayer for each of you is that you are open to learn and know how to take in the message without missing very vital information because of the messenger. Learning how to balance and filter information is key.
Keep The Faith,
Day 37: Be Grateful for New Opportunities and Provision
Day 37: I am grateful for new opportunities and provision from unexpected sources. There is something about when we decide to surrender to God and allow Him to move...We just have to be willing to rest and trust Him...
My prayer is that each of you experience new opportunities and God's provision. Your willingness to accept the closed doors and rest will manifests God's perfect peace.
Keep The Faith,
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Day 38: Be Grateful for the Ability to Learn and Grow
Day 38: I am grateful for the ability to learn and grow. In the day of progressive technology and change, I am like a kid in the candy store when learning new things. I just love learning innovative, cutting edge ways of doing things...I will continue to surround myself with people, places, and things that stretch me and empower me to grow...
My prayer is that each of you will continue to learn and grow; be sure to share your knowledge with those who are willing to listen and learn.
Keep The Faith,
Day 39: Be Grateful for Fathers
Day 39: I am very grateful for my Heavenly Father, my natural father, and my spiritual father today (Fathers Day). Leading up to Fathers Day, I have been reflecting about how my life has been shaped over the last 39 years as it relates to these three fathers in my life...
My Heavenly Father has taught me about agape love. Until very recent, I did not FULLY grasp the whole meaning that my Heavenly Father desired a relationship with me so much so that He sent His son to die and raised Him up just for me...He loves me flaws and all...Now, that kind of love is to be cherished and honored with every ounce of your being.
Through my natural father, I learned a very crucial lesson about forgiveness...He was not an active participant in my upbringing due to circumstances and his personal choices...Nonetheless, I am very grateful that through it all, God encouraged us to mend our relationship in 2006. As a woman, it was one of the best decisions in my life, for one, because in 2007, my father committed suicide.
My spiritual father has taught me how to never settle and continues to give me the practical tools to live this life. So much so, that I am not willing to settle. He challenges me and inspires me to be better because of his powerful example as a husband, father, and man of God.
My prayer today is for that young girl, teenage girl, young woman, and woman who does not have her father in her life for whatever reason. Beautiful, know that God has restored the years and will continue to do so if you allow Him. God will catch you up! Allow His perfect peace, comfort, protection, and provision to lead you every day of your life. God is faithful!
Keep The Faith,
Day 39: I am very grateful for my Heavenly Father, my natural father, and my spiritual father today (Fathers Day). Leading up to Fathers Day, I have been reflecting about how my life has been shaped over the last 39 years as it relates to these three fathers in my life...
My Heavenly Father has taught me about agape love. Until very recent, I did not FULLY grasp the whole meaning that my Heavenly Father desired a relationship with me so much so that He sent His son to die and raised Him up just for me...He loves me flaws and all...Now, that kind of love is to be cherished and honored with every ounce of your being.
Through my natural father, I learned a very crucial lesson about forgiveness...He was not an active participant in my upbringing due to circumstances and his personal choices...Nonetheless, I am very grateful that through it all, God encouraged us to mend our relationship in 2006. As a woman, it was one of the best decisions in my life, for one, because in 2007, my father committed suicide.
My spiritual father has taught me how to never settle and continues to give me the practical tools to live this life. So much so, that I am not willing to settle. He challenges me and inspires me to be better because of his powerful example as a husband, father, and man of God.
My prayer today is for that young girl, teenage girl, young woman, and woman who does not have her father in her life for whatever reason. Beautiful, know that God has restored the years and will continue to do so if you allow Him. God will catch you up! Allow His perfect peace, comfort, protection, and provision to lead you every day of your life. God is faithful!
Keep The Faith,
Day 40: Be Grateful for Children
Day 40: "...I woke up today grateful for my children being in my life. They accept me for who I am; however, they challenge me to become even better everyday...I am aware that some women cannot give birth and have a desire to do so. So, to those women, I promise to always look at my children as blessings and not burdens; to appreciate each moment with them just a little bit more...Beautiful Ladies, may each of you be made whole is my prayer..."
Keep The Faith,
Monday, September 30, 2013
Introduction to Our 40 Days Gratitude Journey
You are officially invited to journey with us on our 40 Days Gratitude Journey with our Founder!!We believe that learning how to walk in constant gratitude prepares a person for divine favor, open doors of opportunity, provision from unexpected sources, and supernatural ability to function at a high level of excellence and integrity.
It does not matter when you start the journey, but once you choose to start and decide to finish well, then you will have developed a habit of gratitude. We cannot promise you anything will just miraculously happen, but we can say that learning to be grateful and having a positive outlook on life has the ability to change your way of thinking. The lyrics of a popular song once said, "Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow!"
So, Expect Great Things!
Let the countdown begin.
Team Flora Pearl
You are officially invited to journey with us on our 40 Days Gratitude Journey with our Founder!!We believe that learning how to walk in constant gratitude prepares a person for divine favor, open doors of opportunity, provision from unexpected sources, and supernatural ability to function at a high level of excellence and integrity.
It does not matter when you start the journey, but once you choose to start and decide to finish well, then you will have developed a habit of gratitude. We cannot promise you anything will just miraculously happen, but we can say that learning to be grateful and having a positive outlook on life has the ability to change your way of thinking. The lyrics of a popular song once said, "Free Your Mind And The Rest Will Follow!"
So, Expect Great Things!
Let the countdown begin.
Team Flora Pearl
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