Saturday, October 5, 2013

Day 1: Grateful for Best Days - LIFT OFF!

Day 1: I am grateful that I know my latter shall be greater. Today begins the best of the rest of my life. Mary Kay Ash once said, "Most people live and die with their music still unplayed. They never dare to try." Well, that will never be me because my music will continue to play until the last breath leaves my body in my old, old age. I have tapped into a place in God that is priceless and I fully understand that surrendering my will to His is vital. The purpose of my life is not to save the world, but to make a difference in the lives of others. I will continue to do that.

Well, this ends my countdown to 40, but it begins my best days and journey to Mars. Lift off!

My prayer is that each of you live in purpose everyday and know that your best days are yet to come.

Peace & Blessings,


Day 2: Grateful for God's Character

Day 2: I am grateful that because God did it before, He will do it again. As a matter of fact, it is already done. I have been meditating about trust in God (Proverbs 3:5-6) and then having faith in God (Mark 11:22). Trusting in God allows you to have faith (believe) who He is and what He says. With that being said, my trust and faith level in God has increased tremendously just within the last month alone. God is SO faithful and I refuse to give up on Him. I am so focused and understand that my life is not my own. What I am believing God for is stretching me outside of my comfort zone. I am resting in God and He said, “I Got You!”

If God be for me, then who can be against me? I Believe God!

My prayer is that each of you increase your trust and faith in God like never before and allow Him to show Himself strong in your life. 

Keep The Faith, 


Day 3: Grateful for Being Forgiven

Day 3: I am grateful to know that I’m not perfect, but I’m so forgiven. That is all!

My prayer is that each of you knows that although you are not perfect, you are forgiven. And there is nothing that anyone can do to change that. 

Praise God, Latasha

Day 4: Grateful for the Power of NO

Day 4: I am grateful to have learned that “No” is a complete sentence. In my former years, I did not completely understand this principle because I tried to justify and/or explain on different occasions why I said, “No” to people, places or things. Today, that has all changed. Life lessons are priceless!

My prayer is that each of you is co
nfident that when you say “No” then no explanation is needed.



Day 5: Grateful for Walking in Purpose

Day 5: I am grateful for walking in purpose. There is something about understanding vision and knowing your lane. I LOVE what I do! I love making a difference in the lives of others by being who God has called me to be. He asked that I be willing, not perfect. You know, I have many titles; however, being a servant by far allows me to truly stand above the crowd.

My prayer is that each of you walk in purpose every day of your lives. Know that the rewards are greater and have lasting results.

Keep The Faith, 


Day 6: Grateful to be Able to Celebrate Others

Day 6: I am grateful to be able to celebrate others. Actually, I look for ways to do it because I know that when you celebrate others, you celebrate yourself. What they have received or accomplished is not exclusive; success can happen in your life as well. When others do well, you can choose to be inspired or be intimidated. My suggestion would be to take the inspired route. There is so much to gain on that side of the coin so to speak. Recently, I ministered to a longtime friend and encouraged her to step out and pursue her dreams. Not only that, God allowed me to give her resources and connections to do so. That is what choosing to be inspired is all about. Someone else’s success does not in any way take away from your own.

My prayer is that each of you celebrates others and never be afraid to share the spotlight. Be someone else’s inspiration!

Keep The Faith, 


Day 7: Grateful for 5 Senses

Day 7: I am grateful for my 5 senses. There have been times when I have taken each of them for granted. I mean not even giving any of them a second thought as though they were simply supposed to function properly no matter how I treated them. Through the years, I began to recognize that they are gifts to be cherished. What can I say…I am blessed to have them all functioning in the perfection to which God created them to function and I forbid any malfunction. Father God, I just simply want to say, “Thank you!”

My prayer is that each of you appreciates your 5 senses and views them as gifts from God.

Peace and Blessings, 
